Book That Every Woman Should Have On Her Shelf

At the beginning I was thinking I’ll post it strictly only for women, but then I thought otherwise. If you’re a man and your wife’s, partner’s, daughter’s, granddaughter’s, niece’s, aunt’s, daugther-in-law’s or friend’s health is important to you then you should stay here as well and read this post till the end.

I’m about to write about the book, which I’m still reading (haven’t finished it yet), but I thought I cannot wait any longer, I have to write about it here so more people can find out about this so very useful information for every woman.

“Taking charge of your fertility” by  Toni Weschler is the book that has changed some things in my life for much better and I really hope that more women and girls will read it and we all will be healthier and happier, (men as well).

First, let me start with saying that it’s not popular or you haven’t heard about this book or the method, which is in the book. If you don’t know why, as it usually is, it’s mainly because of the money (for exemple, it’s not making money for the big pharmaceutical companies, etc.).

Second of all, there’s so many great things about this book that I’ve decided to write it as clearly as I can. I cannot write about each thing there is, because the book has more than 500 pages (though I think I’ll keep on writing about some individual topics on my blog, so stay tuned), but I’ll try to do my best.

  1. The book is written in a very simple and pleasant way. You don’t need to read the whole book to find out about the matter you’re interested in. (At first, I only read the three chapters, which are somewhere in the middle of the book and it was fine, I knew what I was reading. Only lately I’ve started to read the whole book from the very beginning to the very end).
  2. If you’re looking for the natural birth control, this is the book and the method (which is described there) you need to read.
  3. If you’re looking for enjoying sex without condoms or any other protection this is the book and the (same) method to do it.
  4. If you’re feeling moody or don’t feel great, it might be your hormones. You probably just need to balance them and in this book you’ll find out how to actually do it.
  5. If you want to get pregnant or you’ve tried already and there are still no “effects”, this book might be the solution to your problems and it’s not about spending money on doctors and ways there are available for the future parents (of course, that’s a way if no other way works), but methods which start from the very beginning.
  6. If you’re before your menopause, this book might help you deal with it in a much better and easier way.
  7. Last here, but not least and I think the most important thing is that thank to this book and the method in this book you will be aware of and be able to quickly react to the prevalent conditions every woman might have and will have in her life.


To be clear, no one paid me or asked me to write about this book. I’ve found out about it on the Internet by myself and what’s even funnier: by mistake. I did some research first and then decided to buy it. Now, I know that it was a very good decision and I know that two of my sisters wouldn’t get sick (they’re ok now) if they had this book in their hands. So now knowing how great it is and how great influence it has on my life, I want to share it with other women in the world 🙆 and please spread the word (let’s help one another) ☺.

You can find this book here on Amazon (for Canadians: here) :).

95 thoughts

  1. Nothing like this at all :), I’m doing this now for more than six months and I’m not pregnant so I really recommend it! 🙂 That’s one of the reasons why I wrote about it here! ☺

  2. Agreed! This is an awesome book, one every woman should own. I bought it in my early 30s but wish I’d bought it when I was a teen; it would have cleared up so many of my questions and concerns.

    I lent my copy to my sister a couple years ago and have yet to get it back. LOL

  3. Hi Simple Ula,
    Congratulations on having such an engaged community! I know people here like the GreenTreeFashionCare.
    Thank you for following my blog! Exciting! Unfortunately, I don’t blog at Reflections anymore and haven’t in a long time. I blog at now. I don’t want you to miss an article.
    I brought you a link for new subscribers. If you sign up through this link, you will get a free download.
    See you at

  4. Good on you for discovering this book and finding it empowering. I went on a journey with similar texts about 2 or so decades ago, I can still remember the feeling of clarity I found in what I was reading, for the most part that feeling has stayed with me ever since, and the knowledge that anything I feel ever is ok and has its reasons. And it’s ok. If that makes sense xx

  5. Seems like I need to get one myself too. Maybe I could find the ebook somewhere?Thanks for sharing…and nice to have meet you and your blog. Cris

    1. Thank you :). I think you won’t find one, because if I remember right I was looking for it myself and eventually I got the actual book :).

  6. Sounds a very useful book and worth reading. I used to like a book called’ our bodies, ourselves’ which was very good but now dated on women’s health.

  7. I love this book!! It helped me have my rainbow baby and taught me so much about my body that I didn’t realize. I only wish I had found it before the age of 27. I’m having a second child, a daughter, in a couple of months and plan on keeping this around to share with her when the time comes!

  8. This book seems to be really interesting, thank you for your post and your ‘follow’.
    I hope I’ll be able to translate and publish my post in english as soon as possible, so that I can share my blog’s content with people all around the world.
    What about my english, dear Ula?
    See you soon,

  9. I love this book! I discovered about 2.5 years ago when I was looking for a natural alternative to the Pill that I had been on for almost 20 years. This book allowed me to stop the pill, regulate my cycle & keep me pregnancy free. Every woman should read this! Thanks for sharing your insight into this book, let’s keep spreading the word!

  10. Definitely going to check this out! I started following my cycle a few years ago when I decided I wanted to be done with conventional birth control. It’s been such a treat to become more intimate with my body and it’s cycles! Thank you for the recommendation. I think I’d enjoy this.

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