It’s been one year here with you guys!

Last Thursday it’s been a year since I started this blog ☺, but let me start from the beginning.

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Nope, we won’t go to this beginning 😄, but yes, that’s simple Ula about 24 years ago when she had no idea that one day she’ll have over 10k followers 😃

I had more than 3 blogs in my life before this one (all the previous ones were written in Polish though). I’ve always had this passion to share my thoughts “with the world”. If some of my advice helps others in any way, that’s even more rewarding for me ☺. I deleted all my old blogs, oh no, sorry there is one still there (in Polish). Anyway, it was some time since I hadn’t had one and this idea came to my mind again, but this time (as you can see) I wanted to write in English since I’m in Canada and my boyfriend doesn’t speak Polish and I wanted him to know what I write as well ❤☺. Last, but not least as I wrote in my first post, English is the most common language in the world (and many Polish people know it as well) so it has all worked out for me ☺.

I’ve started this blog in March 2016 and I published first, second, third post and there was nothing, meaning barely any comments and 2 or 3 views a day. I talked with my boyfriend if I should continue doing this and he said that if I like it then yes. That was an excellent answer for me ☺. I like writing, I enjoy it a lot so I was doing it out of passion (and still am! ☺) and it didn’t matter for me that I didn’t have many visitors back then. Now seeing you all here, all the comments and all the likes – I am so thrilled, because you encourage me to write even more. I appreciate each and every comment and like and all the views/ visits to my blog. I love seeing comments such as: “thank you” or “you do a great job” or “I love your blog”.

I cannot express how much I appreciate you all here and sometimes I say to my boyfriend that I cannot believe that over 10,000 people have visited my blog and decided to click follow or put their email address to subscribe. I cannot believe that I have so many likes, so many comments and views. I’m sure of one thing though, that I’ll never take pride in myself, because of those numbers ☺.
Also, I have my boyfriend, my best friend (and they’re both will keep me grounded if it’s necessary ☺) and my parents’ life lessons in my head (forever) to be humble (!) and respect everyone (no matter who they are and what they do).

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My parents and I many years ago 💛☺

I think that the more successful my blog is, the more humble I become.

I’m writing this post not to show what are the “numbers” on my blog, but I’m writing to say that I thank each and every one of you for being here once, twice or regularly. This journey on this blog wouldn’t be as fun and as exciting without you guys! ☺

I bow to all of you! ☺

Last, but not least I’d like to say how appreciative I am for my boyfriend being in my life who believes in me so much so that I believe in myself more! Thank you my love!!! ❤☺❤

“She believed she could so she did” ☺

Find me on social media 🙂 :

348 thoughts

  1. I am writing in English although this is not my first language. In this way I can communicate with people all around the world. I am quite new here, but I have already realised that different continents are interested in different subjects. Based on the “about” pages, many have started blogging to pull themselves together and others’ feedbacks and interest in their ideas have helped them a lot. We can combine the beneficial effects of diary, connection and information sharing here.

  2. Congratulations! I just started my blog in September and, like you at the beginning, it was slightly discouraging to write and receive little to no feedback. When I got my first follower, I was ecstatic, and I still experience those feelings of excitement with every new follow, like, comment, etc. It is simply amazing how much you can connect with people through writing, and I commend you for reaching 10K in a year! That is so fantastic and something I can only dream of happening for my page as well! I can tell you that I am really enjoying the content on your page. You have a gift — keep it up!! 🙂

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