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Dogs Help You Exercise

Written by Nat Smith, community member. Rover is the nation’s largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers.

They say that dog owners live happier, longer lives. One big reason? Dogs can help you get out more often, stick to your workouts, and stay upbeat while you’re at it. How can your pet help you overhaul your fitness routine? Check out these tips from

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#1: Enjoy Nature

Gyms can help us get regular, efficient exercise…but they do nothing to salve our souls. The further we remove ourselves from nature, the more isolated we feel. Taking daily walks with your dog can help you reconnect with the sounds and sights of the natural world.

Your dog will fixate on the small things (like squirrels!) you’d otherwise overlook as you go about your day. Pets can help us connect with the larger world, adding peace and mindfulness into our daily lives.

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#2: Change Your Routines

If you have a young, active dog, they’ll love getting out for runs. When you see how happy they are getting to run by your side, you might be motivated to lace up and get going–even if you’ve never been a runner.

Maybe you’ll give up your Saturday Netflix binges for day hikes on nearby mountain trails, or peaceful walks around a tranquil lake. Or your afternoon slump will give way to tug-of-war at the dog park.

Slowly, you’ll find your regular habits supplanted as you find ways to get–and stay–active together, building a closer bond with your pup and keeping the two of you in great health.

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#3: Up Your Happiness Quotient

Pets improve our mood, and so does exercise. What happens when we combine the two?

Working out on our own can sometimes increase our stress–because we zone out, worry about work, or otherwise remove ourselves from the present moment. Dogs can help us stay grounded and focused, and the fact that we’re taking care of their needs helps us feel even better.

Your dog’s infectious joy will also prompt you to be more social when you’re out and about, so the benefits just keep multiplying.

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If you don’t yet own a dog, start thinking about it! But if you’re not ready to take the plunge, become a dog-sitter via to enjoy the benefits in the meantime.

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