Canadian Business Awards – Simple Ula is the Lifestyle Blog of the Year 2021

I’ve been keeping a secret for a while now (since September 2020 to be exact). I received an e-mail that my blog has been nominated for the Lifestyle Blog of the Year 2021! I couldn’t believe it, but at the same time I didn’t want to jinx it so I didn’t tell anyone about it expect V (my husband). In December 2020, I received an e-mail saying that I won Canadian Business Awards: Simple Ula is the Lifestyle Blog of the Year 2021!

Canadian Business Awards

I Still CANNOT Believe It!

It’s a little surreal to think about it! I came to Canada in 2015 and started blogging in 2016, because I was basically feeling lonely. I was renting a bachelor apartment in the basement at that time. I used to have three blogs while I was living in Poland, but deleted them all after some time. It wasn’t a new thing to me, but more so going back to what I love doing, which is writing and sharing things with others.

candian business

Do What You Love

Of course, at the beginning, it was probably only my boyfriend (now husband) reading it, but that didn’t discourage me. He was also the one that told me to keep on doing it if I like it. I’ll never forget this conversation I had with him and I still remind him of it now and how much impact he has had on creating :).

What I’m trying to tell you here though is: don’t worry that no one is reading/ listening/ watching you. If something makes you happy, just keep on doing it. One day someone will “stop by” and notice your heart you put into your work :). Trust me on this one :).

Just Do It!

Another very important thing I’d love to share with you here is: don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take a moment and make it perfect :). Simple as that! Also, let me tell you a secret: there’s never a perfect moment that we wait on, it just happens and then we realize that it was perfect :).

If you think about starting a blog, then start. It is never too late! You might think that there are enough blogs or it’s too late, because others are already doing it for some time. Wrong. There is no one else like you and no one else can share what you’d like to share in your own way. I do believe that having your own platform, where you are your own boss is a great “investment” (of your time). Social media are there, but we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. On top of that, when there’s a glitch or algorithm is “not on your side”, you have your blog and you’re in charge there.

I’m not sure how I went from announcing about the award to motivating you to start your own thing, lol :). I think I just want to tell someone else out there: “hey, you can do it!”, because sometimes that’s all we need to hear. I was having so many doubts, fears, etc. before clicking “publish” (still sometimes do!) and here I am with the Canadian Business Awards. So if I can do it, you can too! 🙂 Believe in yourself and do not listen to naysayers! 🙂

Find me on social media, because it’ll be great to have you there and follow me 🙂 :






60 thoughts

  1. Congratulations… recipients of such awards highly deserve them, and with the volume of content you have been publishing, and the great deal of following you have, and other criteria they may have, you merit it

  2. Wow, wow, wow, congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart! You deserve it. … And did you not catch a good one with V!!! 😉
    All the best to you three from Denmark! <3

  3. HI Ula, Congratulations! You deserve this. I enjoy reading your blog and I use it when I teach English to students as it is fun to read and simple to understand. It makes a good break from teaching them grammar and word meanings to read something that is entertaining. Enjoy your win! and thank you 🙂

    1. Oh my, I’m so honored!!! Thank you so much!!! 💗🙂 Please say hi to your students from me! 😀

  4. Congratulations, Dear! <3 It's so wonderful to be recognised like that! You deserve it – your posts are always so insightful! Keep on the good work, because it shows how much heart you put into it 🙂

    My blog begginings were similar to yours – back in 2007, it was read mostly by my family and friends from Junior High 😀 Slowly, bloggers from different parts of the internet started noticing that something new has appeared 🙂 Some people stayed around ever since the begging, others came and went as the time passed, until The Clearing built a small but devoted fanbase, for I am very glad 🙂

    Wishing you many more great ideas for future posts, and more awards to follow!

  5. Ula Hi. Congratulations to YOU. Wonderful INDEED. Well DONE. Thanky for the Motivation. This year I have slowed down on my Blog Posting, I have had doubts, after reading your advice and Your Accomplishment of the AWARD. I Have One Word, Thanky for SHARING And THANKY GREATLY For Being YOU. You have an Excellent DAY and I am Proud of YOU TO…

  6. I like your simple and confidence.
    I like your youtube videos too.
    I m fan of your expectations.

  7. Hi Simple Ula, Nice to come a cross on your blog. I been blog since September 2020, not yet a year. I am new in blogging world. I enjoy doing what I do and not expecting others will notice my intention is to store my memories in my own website so that someday my son had a memories to look at it. This pandemic time I discover a lot of skills in digital world until I learn to blogging. I inspired your blogging life journey. I never know they had a rewards you can get too. Thanks for sharing and congratulations.


    1. That’s a great reason to write – for your son 💕🙂👍. Happy blogging and thank you so much! 🙂🌸

  8. I was going to say thank you for motivation, then I read other comments and everybody was congratulating you…it’s my first time here …I have been wanting to write for quite long time, I write but only in my journal, I want others to read my thoughts too… To start I just thought It would be better to do some research before ,still having doubts, and here I come across your blog .. thank you so much and also congratulations 🥺💕

    1. Awww I’m so happy that you found my post and now it’s time to show the world your thoughts! 🙂🌺 Thank you, as well!

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