April 2024 Favourites: Happy Belated Mother’s Day & Victoria Day!

I would love to wish to all the mamas out there a very Happy (belated) Mother’s Day! I hope you had a beautiful day however you spent it.

Speaking of Mother’s Day, of course, it made me think about my mommy (just like any other day!). Do you watch or are you a fan of Dancing with the Stars? I was actually watching Polish edition that has just recently finished, even though I haven’t seen it for a very long time. Why I started watching it? Just because it reminded me of the times (back in 2005 and 2006) when I was watching it with my mama! Will I be watching the next season, I don’t think so, but it was nice to do so in the memory of my mommy.

While talking about TV, have you seen “The Morning Show“? It is a drama series that actually started in 2019. My hubby and I were postponing watching it till recently and we both really like it! That being said, if you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend it. Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Billy Crudup and Mark Duplass are all really great in it and worth watching. Cannot wait for the new season now :).

Did you know that you can have LOTS of fun with your family on scooters? My family and I have discovered it this last month and we really love it! We got all of our three scooters from Micro Scooter (Canada). Lily’s is the MICRO MAXI DELUXE ECO LED in Mint, V’s: MICRO CLASSIC NEOCHROME in Neochrome Black and mine is the same one, but in Neochrome. We are out and about on our scooters as often as possible and I’m sure we’ll continue it till the first snow comes :).

I hope that you’re having a great long weekend and I wish you the best rest of your week! 🙂

Find me on social media, because it’ll be great to have you there and follow me 🙂 :





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