If You’re Already Here, Read

I’m Polish, but should I really write in Polish?


I feel like more people could read it when it’s written in English and most of the Polish people know English anyway so I hope I’ll have some polish readers here as well.

So, let’s begin.

My name’s Ula and I aspire every day to have a simple life. Simple life, meaning a lot of things which if you stay here with me, you’ll find out. Remember though that still you won’t know exactly what that means for me, but I hope we’ll find some things in common and you’ll visit me again and again and again.

Find me on social media, because it’ll be great to have you there and follow me đŸ˜Š:






407 thoughts

  1. Hi Ula,
    Much gratitude to you for following Geoidhead. I must admit, I lost track of time on your blog; sooo much content that’s interesting and enlightening as well. I love the categories ‘Motivations’ and ‘Travel’; Suwalki is now on my ‘To Go’ list :)….There’s a lot of wealth in simplicity really and you’re an exponent of that fact.

      1. You’re welcome! 🙂
        And thank you for Liking so many of my posts.
        This week I don’t have a lot of time for reading blog posts, but this weekend I will and I’m excited to read more of your blog.

  2. Hey Ula, I like your blog layout (and content)
    Thanks for following my blog at: https//:www.storieswithoutborder.wordpress.com/
    Following you also.

    Best wishes!

  3. Your blog is adorable! I love the concept of “a simple life” and I believe that happiness is made of little, simple things. You have an unique talent to observe and write about these little joyful aspects of life and that’s impressive!
    Thank you so much for following my blog and also for liking a few of my articles! I’m honored and it motivates me to write more. And I’m so grateful for discovering your beautiful written voice, I’m looking forward to read more!

  4. Hi Ula! I’m pretty new to blogging. And I love your blog. You’ve written so much and it’s all so diverse and interesting. I’m working on making my blog just as awesome. Thanks for following me. I’m really enjoying your articles.

  5. Ula, so lovely to meet you! Love the focus of your blog – the simplest things can bring so much joy. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog, and sending many blessings to you. ~Debbie of Forgiving Connects

  6. Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog! Your posts are awesome and I’m looking forward to seeing more!

  7. Good morning Ula,
    I`m German and started to write my Blog in English as you do.
    So I’ve achieved a lot more creative readers. And your Blog is very good for me to improve my English. But not at this moment..;-)
    You give very interesting advices in lifestyle etc..to help people to live their life better.
    I still have a lot of ideas…
    Ok, have a good time and look after yourself.
    JĂŒrgen from Loy (PJP)
    P.S. I send you my Happy New 2017 post (note the link with msic):

  8. Thank you for paying attention to a small time blogger like me! You have no idea how much following me meant. P.S. You are so inspiring and I love your work 🙂
    Love, Sarah xx

      1. Thanks! I’ve had a pretty hectic week, so I haven’t had time to respond. I love the positivity on your bog and I hope you continue to write!

        Love, Sarah xx

  9. hi Ula thank you for following realoveforever ! Your blog is amazing , I am very glad with connecting you dear.

  10. I just read your last post and intro, I’ll be interested to follow your posts due to my minimalist philosophies and simplistic lifestyle.

  11. Wow, I just gave my finger a days exercise scrolling down to here! Love your blog, so glad you found me or I wouldn’t have found you!

  12. Thanks for the follow! Was excited to get my first follower! I’m new to blogging, but am really enjoying being able to pen my thoughts and reach out to others. Appreciate your support! Looking forward to reading more of your posts ❀ Grace

  13. Thanks Ula for following my blog.Thanks for spending your time reading my little bits of creativity. As part of my job I have travelled to Poland many times and I really loved the people there.

  14. Hallo/Hi Ula,
    wir haben Dich fĂŒr den Blogger Recognition Award nominiert – und zwar so:
    http://lecw.blog/2018/01/03/blogger-recognition-award !
    Teilnahme ist natĂŒrlich freiwillig, nach diesen (unverbindlichen) Regeln:
    1. Bedanke dich bei demjenigen, der dich nominiert hat und verlinke ihn.
    2. Schreibe einen Beitrag, um deinen Award zu prÀsentieren.
    3. ErzÀhle kurz, wie du mit dem Bloggen angefangen hast.
    4. Gib zwei RatschlĂ€ge fĂŒr neue Blogger.
    5. Nominiere 15 andere Blogger fĂŒr diesen Award.
    6. Kommentiere auf den nominierten Blogs, lass die jeweiligen Personen wissen, dass du sie nominiert hast, und verlinke deinen Beitrag zum Award.

    GrĂŒĂŸe vom LECW-Blog C-:

  15. Hi simple Ula! Lovely to meet you!
    Good idea to write in English, because I don’t know Polish!! Can you read also Italian? Because I see you passed by my blog.
    The very best of luck for your simple life ;))
    C. x

  16. Thank you so much for following my blog. I will try not to bore you or overwhelm you. I hope you like it. Your page looks very interesting so I will follow you also.

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