“Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That”

I really don’t like hearing when people say “I don’t have enough time”.clock-772953_960_720

We have 24 hours a day and 168 hours a week. That’s a heck of a lot and you still don’t have time for something you want to do?

We need to spend time effectively and we need to want to do so.

It’s always good to ask ourselves what we want to spend our time on when we cannot turn the clock back.

Believe me if we don’t have time for something it means we don’t want to spend time on it.

If I don’t have time for something, I ask myself: do I really want to do it? If it’s something what needs to be done or has some higher, further goals, I need to make time for it no matter what and get it done as quickly as I can, because otherwise it’ll be on my mind taking room of some nice thoughts which could be on my mind instead. If it’s something I really want to do, I’ll make time for it no matter what and it usually means resigning from some other time killing things.

If you don’t have time for something you want to spend it for, think what you could resign of to make time for the things you really want to do.

As simple as that.

Stand aside and see how do you manage your time.  Ask yourself: am I happy with spending my time? Do I really want to spent time as I want it to be spent? How time conduce for me in my life? Am I on good terms with the time?

Remember, it’s a very valuable thing that we cannot buy, cannot sell, cannot stop and cannot speed up, but just wisely manage. Be more organized, do the chart and see how much time you spend on each tasks, see what you can reduce (for exemple things such as watching television or spending unnecessary time on facebook or twitter).

Don’t say “I don’t have enough time” or “I don’t have time for it”, because it’s an easy way and man, don’t take the easy way, because it’s your life and you live only once.

Find me on social media 🙂 :

126 thoughts

    1. I just always want to catch it and pin it down! Always so much to dooooo. But I love your no nonsense attitude and I am finding myself being introspective about it today!

  1. My mother always told me, “people make time for the things they want to do, for everything else they make excuses. ” I remember that each time I complain about how little time I have…

  2. I agree with this post, I used to say “I don’t have time for this” but in reality, I didn’t want to make time for it. Balancing my time is a work in progress, but I’m taking steps to help with that.

      1. Funny because when I use that excuse, that’s exactly what I mean. That for whatever reason, I don’t want to it, not that I don’t have time for it.

        And that’s exactly what I see when others give me that excuse. 😂

  3. I agree that we will find the time for things we really want/need to do. However, I also think it’s possible to really want to do many things, but sometimes we have to make a choice, b/c there are only so many hours in the day. Life goes in cycles, and our priorities change. And that’s fine, because life is all about change. I used to feel guilty for the things I wasn’t doing, but in all the years I’ve lived I’ve found that the time will come around for those things again at some point; and if not, it’s because it’s no longer a necessary part of my life or my growth as a person.

  4. Hi . I’m commenting on off-topic . I love the tagline of your blog . It’s so inviting . So today I took a moment to stop my your blog & go across your feed . I have read most of them today . I chose this post to comment & share my views . I love what u show , & write , and express. U are lucid with thoughts . I can see a great deal of calibre & potential in u . I’m a full-time writer . I write about murky , gloomy & dark moments . I celebrate love on my notes . I’m an emotional person & my maturity scale reflects in my writings . But I always love to come across new events , different writers , their diffeent tone . New things which are eye-catching & sensitive . Loved your blog 💕 Your posts will soon be on upmost priority & demand . Thank u once again

  5. Very excellent post about time. We are all alloted the same amount of time, and as you pointed out, we are the only ones that truly control what we do with that time. And in today’s crazy mixed up world, we should not waste a minute of our precious time. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Dziękję CI Uleńko za Twój cenny czas spędzony z Piórkiem Agati:), jest mi niezmiernie miło. Pięknie piszesz: ) i nie chodzi mi tu tylko o fantastyczne teskty, ale i znakomitą znajomość j. ang. Chciałabym tak samo, ale to jeszcze wymaga pracy:). Pozdrawiam i podziwiam.

    1. Uczyłam się od małego :), a w Polsce przed wyjazdem byłam nauczycielką (co prawda maluchów, więc poziom nie był wysoki) angielskiego przez 8 lat ☺.

      1. Piszesz lepiej niż niejeden Kanadyjczyk:). Trzeba oswajać się z tym niewątpliwie szalonym językiem od dziecka, potem głowa zbyt zmącona:). Nigdy nie zapomnę mojego ukochanego św. pamięci nauczyciela, który zawsze rozpoczynał zajęcia od powiedzenia” English is..stupid:” Mieszkał w Kanadzie od 5 roku życia, a sam przyznawał, że codziennie odkrywa ten język a kiedy rozmawiał z córką, prosił ją aby zwolniła:))troszkę. Oczywiście zależy też od podejścia cżłowiek, niektórzy uważają, że znają język bardzo dobrze…. Moja pokora wzrasta w miarę zagłębiania się …. Pozdrawiam i chylę czółko:)))

      2. To bardzo ładne i mądre co powiedział i jak podchodził do tego Twój nauczyciel :). I ojej, chyba aż tak daleko to bym nie powiedziała (że lepiej niż niejeden kanadyjczyk), tak samo ciągle się uczę, każdy dzień to nowa lekcja (życia) 🙂 ale dziękuję Ci Agatko za te bardzo miłe słowa! 😊

      3. Nie obawiał się tego stwierdzenia:)absolutnie, może nie do końca jest to ładne i mądre ale prawdziwe:). Był wybitnym nauczycielem, pełnym pasji i fantastycznie rozumiał zgubionych często imigrantów:) Nauczyciele w tej szkole często się rotują, każdy z nich podchodzi inaczej do nauczania:). Niektórzy po prostu idą się wygadać;). Ale to dobrze, można się nieźe osłuchac;)
        A co to Twoich umiejętności- nic nie za daleko:), uwierz mi. Masz bardzo bogaty zasób słownictwa i wiesz z czym to się je:)))). Miłego poołudnia potem wieczorka:). A i jeszcze odnośnie wpisów w kategorii- beauty-polecam pastę do zębó na bazie oleju kokosowego , sody i kropel miętowych, i olejku z drzewa herbacianego:)))lub goździkowego. Można dodać też ksylitol

        Olej kokosowy (1/4 szklanki)
        Soda oczyszczona (1/2 szklanki)
        Ksylitol (4-5 łyżek)
        Naturalny olejek miętowy lub goździkowy (ok. 1 łyżeczka)

        Polecam i pozdrawia

      4. Dziękuję!!! ☺ A co pasty, super, dziękuję, mój brat robił podobnie i ja byłam blisko, żeby też to spróbować, ale może tym razem jednak się uda :). Miłego dnia! 🙂

      5. Brat coś ostatnio zaniedbuje to z tego co słyszę, a tak naprawdę to on mnie w to wciągnął :), dziękuję! 😊

  7. Those are words of wisdom right there. Sometimes, we all need to be reminded that we are the ones who choose how we spend our time.

    Also, thank you for visiting my blog and giving a beginner like me some love! It’s very appreciated 🙂

  8. This was very thought worthy, and really made me ponder! *Handclaps!* Thanks so much for following my blog! It’s an honor! 😀 I look forward to reading some of your posts!
    Have a blessed day; Jesus loves you! (:

  9. So true. We must take the time to connect and stay connected so at the end of the day we can reflect on those important words, “well done good and faithful servant”.

  10. This is a great motivational post you did. I like how your post flow together and described the meaning behind your topic, which is really important. Overall, well done and this was a great read! =)

  11. Interesting post, even I made a draft of similar kind of topic. Saying “I am busy has become a trend.” I Don’t know what’s wrong with us.. where we are utilizing our time if not for people around us and for the things we love.

    You can visit me at https://fromroopalismind.wordpress.com/

    Hope you like some of the not so boring stuff there. 🙂

  12. This is awesome, Ula thank you! So important to create our life consciously. I do my best to ask inwardly each day to go where loving leads me. (And ask for a time warp as necessary!) Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend — Debbie

  13. “Remember, it’s a very valuable thing that we cannot buy, cannot sell, cannot stop and cannot speed up, but just wisely manage.”

    Love this sentence. Made me think again to do non-essential things. Thank u 🙂

    Btw, thank u for following my blog. So happy to find u…


  14. Certainly, needed to read this, It is so very true there is plenty of time to get things accomplished we just have to take the initiative to get it done. I have to say I am guilty of saying those words from time to time but actually, it sometimes is just the simple fact I haven’t managed my time as wisely as I should have.

    I found this to be a highly motivational post! Thank you, for sharing!

  15. You spoke some wise words here. Time is a precious gift from God. How we spend it is our gift to Him. This is something He has been teaching me. Thank you for choosing to spend time with me through my blog. I pray it will encourage you in your life.

  16. Just came across your blog, although recommended by another blogger. Great stuff. The time in front of us is such a precious resource not to waste. Because don’t know when our time on Earth may be up, it’s important to fritter it away and to live as each second was our last.

    Thanks for your post!

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