How I Stay Organized

Some people are energized by the chaos. I, on the other hand, am totally thrown of by it. I need to stay organized in order to achieve my goals. On day to day basis, there’s only one thing that keeps me organized even though there is a “million things to do”. It is my Tempus Planner with Monday to Sunday Layout.

Not everyone works 9 to 5. All my goal-kickers: freelancers, entrepreneurs, business owners, bloggers and other creative people, just stay with me here :).

Here are some great tips to stay organized:


Choose A Few Major Tasks For The Day

This planner helps you specify 3 top daily tasks on each day. This is a great solution. Choosing too many may crush you and leave you there with none done at the end of the day. We want to avoid this.

Always remember that it is more about what you choose not to do then it is about what you choose to do. Having too many “priorities” will leave you overwhelmed. That being said, your day will be a disorganized chaos.

Prioritize only a few things you must do on that day and the rest will follow through. The best part is the very bottom of the page where you have the opportunity to write down one thing you are happy to have accomplished that day.

Set Big Goals And Work Around Them

There are always a couple of big goals in your mind. You wish to achieve them in a year or half of a year. You know that it has the potential to change your business and move things forward. Another reason I really like this planner is because at the end of it, you can write them all down.

Sometimes we feel discouraged by whatever reason. When we look at the bigger picture, the motivation to keep moving forward comes back. That’s why it’s always good to remember about those bigger goals we hope to achieve.


Notice Your Achievements

It is very important to realize how much we’ve done for the day or a week. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you deserve it!

I like that this planner has a “weekly review” section where I can write down things I could have done better. It is very important to realize how much we’ve done throughout the week. This gives you the opportunity for a broader view of the week which I totally love. I am really glad I came across Tempus Planner. It has helped me tremendously and made my life a bit easier.

You must be organized in order to achieve dreams and grow the business. If you guide your tasks with an organized mindset, you will succeed.

I know, you will! 🙂


Listen, you’re obviously ambitious, goal-oriented. You just need a way to shape everything out so you can function smoothly. So, get ready to WIN at life! Goals are the key to fulfilling your dreams – failure is NEVER an option! So stop wasting time! Get on and buy the Tempus planner right now!

With 15% off code: tempus15

Find me on social media, because it’ll be great to have you there and follow me 😊:






57 thoughts

    1. Yes, it’s really great for goal-kickers who don’t kind working on the weekends 🙂👍

  1. What a really cool idea, would make such a nice present too! I have always struggled with organisation and I’ve bought myself a blogging planner so that I can keep myself organised and not overwhelmed. I might check this out for next year because it looks great. I love the idea of having only three targets of the day so that we don’t get too overwhelmed with what we need to do! Love this post and might have to pick one up myself.
    Alex x

    1. Thank you and yes, that’ll be an awesome gift! 🙂 Also, you can start at any time you want, because there are no dates 🙂👍

  2. “My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right?” – Charles M. Schulz 🙂

  3. Once again we are alike! I can’t live without a list or lists, better out of my head and down on paper! I love being organised, in my home, my job etc.. love your ideas x

  4. Thanks for sharing these tips. The one I like best is not overwhelming yourself with too many goals.
    I love reading your blog because it is useful as well as being a lot of fun. I have just nominated you for The Sunshine Blogger Award.

  5. I consider myself lazy therefore I must be organized to stay creative in our firm. No way I can plan to spend the precious few lazy times looking for something or knowing things are not in place. This works for me!

    1. Thank you, I’m very glad! This planner really makes my life so much easier and in order 🙂🌼

    1. That’s great! It’s important to find the time for the things we love doing 🙂👍🌹

  6. It helps to understand if you’re a technical type of person or an artist. Artsy types can thrive on variety (or chaos), while technically minded people seek structure (whether they create it, or it’s already there). ❤️🦋🌀

  7. Pingback: Business Guru
  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog, I love your motto (?) in being rich. Money helps pay the bills but the experiences you have, different cultures, travel and reading enrich your life beyond measure. I’d like to say I was organized but I’d by lying. Congrats on your nominations and keep up the great work!

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