Easy Ways to Improve Your Home Security

We all love our home, it is our castle, our sanctum sanctorum but in today’s world, we have to remain vigilant. Whilst we pour our heart and soul into representing ourselves through our home, there are certain people who would see that destroyed, yes, the common criminal.

So what can we do about this? Well, there are some steps we can take when it comes to improving our home security and minimizing the risk. Below are just a few easy steps you can take to give you an extra little peace of mind.

and minimizing the risk. Below are just a few easy steps you can take to give you an extra little peace of mind.

Protect Your Glass

When it comes to house intrusion, one of the most popular entry points is via a smashed window. What most people do in this situation is, turn to a glazing company and have the entirety of the house reglazed at a huge expense.

Firstly, this isn’t a necessary step, if you have internally beaded windows, you could take a far more cost-effective way forward. Why not consider a window film? Filming your windows is a very low-cost alternative to window security and something you can do yourself right after cleaning your windows.

Watch Your Parameters

Installing security cameras can seem like an expensive task. It really doesn’t have to be, nowadays camera installation is made so simple, you barely have to drill. Today’s cameras can be powered via solar power and connect to your handheld device via WiFi.

Having a visible security system in place is one of the most effective means of deterring a criminal. A recent study has shown that 83% of burglars would determine whether or not a house has cameras before attempting to break in.

Another great parameter deterrent is a burglar alarm. Having a Home alarm systems uk box on the exterior of your home tells burglars that you take security very seriously. Don’t want to go all out on a fancy alarm? How about a dummy alarm box, it looks like the real thing as is generally a deterrent in itself.

Check your Doors

This is a vital step in home security, criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated. So ensuring that your entrance points are safe it extremely important. If you are unsure what exactly you are looking for, you could always contact a locksmith they will not only be able to give you sound advice, most of the time, they will do a walk around and help you stress test your existing locks.

You should always remember that letterbox security is equally as important. Having a heavy, spring settled letterbox with a catch basket is a great idea. This will prevent key fishing. Key fishing is when the criminal places a wired, long, and sometimes magnetic flexible wire through your letterbox in order to obtain your keys.

So, hopefully, these simple few steps will get you on your way to securing your home. Remember to take care and take a few extra precautions here and there, and you will sleep safe and sound knowing that your home is as secure as can be.

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