Our Babymoon In Buffalo, NY {Video}

Let me start by saying that babymoon is the last vacation (with your husband) before you have your baby. I’m saying that, because V & I even had to explain this to the guy at the border. Yes, at the border, because we spent our babymoon in Buffalo, New York.

Enjoy the video! šŸ™‚
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From Canada to USA

We left Canada on Friday and got there about two hours later. After checking in at Reikart House, A Tribute Portfolio Hotel, we were amazed how beautiful it is inside and we were very impressed with our king room. Of course, we got lots of inspiration for our home in the future. The room was spacious, very clean and elegant. Most certainly our style.

After some rest, especially for me- pregnant lady, we got ready to go to the next door restaurant, Jazzboline. I think that this is a restaurant that everyone has to go to at least once in their lives. The interior is breathtaking. Plus, the food was very delicious. We started our dinner with “Warm olive medley” and “Bbq pulled pork taquitos”. For our main, I went with “Roasted pork tenderloin” and V took “Rotisserie Half Chicken”.

She’ll Be Here Next Time

We had a very lovely dinner, but we also included our unborn yet baby girl in it by telling her that probably next time when we will be in the restaurant in the USA, it will be with her :).

When we got back to our hotel, we had some time to relax and hit the hay. Next morning was beautiful, we finally saw our view out of the window which was very green and peaceful. We loved it. V & I had our breakfast at the hotel, which was very nice. Again, I was in awe when I saw the interior. Big, long windows with beautiful navy blue curtains and white furniture and silver details. Very pretty!

After staying one night at Reikart House, we checked out, because we spent our second night at the Hyatt Place Buffalo, which is located in the same vicinity. Being there so early, we had an opportunity to really enjoy our time there. Our king bed room was very clean with a beautiful view outlooking a pond.

The funny thing is that I couldn’t wait for our babymoon and there we were and I realized that it is here. Now, I cannot wait for our little precious to join us and in January, I’ll probably say the same :). (Just a small thought here.)

Only Two Of Us

Going back to our stay, we went pretty early for our dinner at the hotel, which seemed to be a great choice. I’m saying that because we were the only ones at the restaurant. As you’re probably guessing, we liked it very much! We talked, laughed and enjoyed our delicious meals. We started with mouthwatering pizza, which was something that our baby really wanted (if you know what I mean) :). Then I got these delicious sandwiches and V went for a burger. We both had French fries, which made me very happy. I like everything that includes potatoes during this pregnancy :). If it’s just potatoes, that’s even better.

When we got back to our room, we snuggled and watched movies. When we do this, it makes me the happiest, because there’s nothing relaxing than this for me now while being pregnant.

Our Last, But Adventurous Day

Next morning, we went for our buffet breakfast and had some scrambled eggs, potatoes, sausages, fruits, waffles and pastry. Some coffee and Tazo passion tea, which is one of my favorites.

It was sad to leave Buffalo and this beautiful place where we were staying at both hotels, but it was time to go back home. V said: “The babymoon is over, now it is time for the baby” :).

On our way back home, V decided to give me a surprise by driving to Niagara Falls on the American side. I loved this idea! šŸ™‚ Being on the both of the Falls (Canadian and American), we choose the American one. It is because it was way calmer and we could enjoy the Falls way more than we did on the Canadian side. Don’t get us wrong, both sides are beautiful and this is something you need to see with your own eyes, no matter on which side you’re standing.

Our stop was a beautiful ending to our beautiful babymoon. We relaxed and had a sweet time together with our baby girl in my belly. We are so ready for her! šŸ™‚

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31 thoughts

  1. I lived in Buffalo when I was 2 years old, so I donā€™t remember it, and this was a nice post for me to see. I especially loved the pic with the little baby slippers on the bed. Fun babymoon! Wishing you the best of health for the rest of your pregnancy, Ula!

  2. Such a lovely video of you three šŸ˜‰ in just as lovely environments.
    Soon the little girl will be visible on photos ā€¦ šŸ™‚
    Stay healthy, I am sure V will take good care of you! Best wishes from Denmark!

  3. Congratulations, Ula, on giving late-October Buffalo a sparkle I didn’t think it had. Everything you experienced – the food, the scenery, the accommodations and, above all, the couple, was effervescent. You have a talent for creating awesome vacations. Just the vacations alone will give the baby honeyed memories. How they’ll inspire her!

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