Offshore Banking Introduction

‘Offshore’ is a term that is used to describe something that is located outside of your national boundaries. Therefore, an offshore bank account is one that is situated in any country besides the one you live in.  There are many companies and individuals who capitalize on offshore bank accounts because of the relaxed regulations and the possibility of avoiding tax. This is completely legitimate. However, there are those that use offshore financial institutions for illicit purposes, such as tax evasion and money laundering.

Why Would You Benefit From Offshore Banking?

• Stability – A lot of people use offshore bank accounts so that they can avoid the risks associated with the country they currently live in. This is beneficial if you reside in a place that has a less than favorable economic climate.

• Bank in different currencies – Expats, or other individuals who have financial commitments in more than one nation or currency, can take advantage of the banking in different currencies.

• Flexibility – Aside from the points that have already been mentioned, another benefit associated with offshore banking is flexibility. You will find that a lot of offshore bank accounts have been designed with this quality in mind. Flexibility is represented via the ability to access funds over the phone or on the Internet no matter what time it is.

• Protect your estate – In some instances, individuals open offshore bank accounts in order to protect their estate from future inheritance tax. When opening an offshore bank account to protect your estate you need professional assistance from a company offering wealth management. You should hire an hire an estate litigation lawyer for specialist advice. This is crucial as this can be complex.

• Improved client confidentiality – One of the perks of having an onshore bank account, which a lot of individuals are not aware of, is the fact that you may benefit from higher levels of privacy. Some jurisdictions, such as Switzerland, place a much higher emphasis on client confidentiality.

What Are Some Tips For Offshore Banking?

• Professional advice – First and foremost, it is recommended that you seek professional advice. They will be able to assess your situation and tell you whether an offshore bank account is right for your circumstances. Moreover, they will help you to find the right offshore account for you.

• Your mother tongue – You should find a jurisdiction where the main language is English. This is something a lot of people fail to consider and they end up regretting it. After all, there is nothing worse than phoning up the customer support line to be greeted by someone who doesn’t have a clue what you are saying.

• Access to your funds – As mentioned earlier, one of the main advantages associated with offshore banking is flexibility. However, you will need to ensure this is the case. Do they offer online banking? What about a 24-hour telephone service?

• Regulation – Last but not least, it is vital to select a jurisdiction with appropriate regulation. This is crucial when to comes to the protection of your assets. Again, this is something your financial adviser will be able to help you with.

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10 thoughts

  1. US citizens can’t escape the IRS with off shore banking or they’ll have to do something illegitimate. The rest of the world has to pay attention under what country’s legislation they want their estate to fall when it becomes available for their heirs and their heirs have to pay attention under what country’s fiscal regime they’re living before they accept an inheritance. And having accounts in different countries with multiple banks also costs money. And in the end, an estate litigation lawyer, an accountant and a tax adviser cost in my (cheap) country about 200 USD/hour (each). If you’re not talking millions, it isn’t for you.

  2. Thank you for sharing this!!! This is especially helpful info if you live in an area that prides itself on civil forfeiture of assets as often as some cities do. You can be an innocent victim of local or state governmental strongholds in this area and lose your earnings altogether.

  3. An interesting perspective on pros and cons of offshore piquing my interest since as a PR person, I have worked with clients in the sector and as a journalist, it was one of my beats. Right regulations, confidentiality and flexibility matters in today’s times as someone want to spread eggs in different baskets whether risk averse or risk friendly profile of fund investors. Well explained and in such a reader friendly manner.

  4. Appreciate further detail for this topic..I would love to know more such how it helps to the common soceity or is it specialised area for specific investor or any other group..just an idea! Keep writing!

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