Be Careful With What You Buy And Eat

How often do you check ingredients on the products before you buy them to put them on your and your loved ones plates?


Maybe and I also hope that after watching this documentary, you’ll be much more careful with the things you eat:

I watched it again with my boyfriend ❤ a couple of days ago and he inspired me to write about it on my blog so more people can find out about it. I think he had a brilliant idea! ☺

I’d like to encourage you also to take action on their website to sign the petitions (they put there) which are good for us and our children (in the future) 😊.

I won’t write about this documentary “Food, Inc.” (trailer), because it says it all, so it’s good to just spare some time and watch it.

“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?”

What I do?

Every time I’m at the store, I look at the ingredients before I put the product into my cart. The easiest thing is to see if the names of the ingredients you can pronounce. If not, then I’m 99,9% sure that is bad stuff and also, the word “modified” is the worst.

For me, less is better (everywhere).

How to eat healthy?

Just (first buy and) keep healthy food in your fridge. When it’s time to cook something, you open your fridge and there’s no way you’ll eat unhealthy 😊.

Also, try not to eat outside (you don’t know what they put or how they cook the meal you’re about to eat). What we realized with my boyfriend ❤ is that we only ate three times outside (at the restaurants) through the whole last year (we didn’t count the times when we were with our friends out, but that didn’t happen as often either).

What we do, we cook together and that’s the best way, not only for our stomachs, but also for our hearts 😃❤.

Watch out, we’ve been already talking about writing our own cookbook 😆.

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Find me on social media 🙂 :

236 thoughts

  1. Great post! (And thanks for following my blog!)

    Admittedly I look a lot more now than I did even a year ago. I should have started doing that a lot sooner, but I make a lot more from scratch now than I did before due to the ingredients in some of the packaged foods! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Glad to know you. Good health is on my belief list. I love natural foods and plan to re-incorporate my juicing, raw salads, etc. Thank you so much for sharing. I look forward to reading more. Best wishes on the cookbook. I am down for learning new recipes.

      1. You are welcome. We have to encourage each along this road. I wish you sincere blessings from God this year! Look forward to reading more good things.

  3. That was a great documentary and it reaffirmed my habits were actually healthy. I find that processed foods are akin to eating your way to illness. We need to eat things with 4 ingredients or less. Whole foods are essential in our daily diet. Probiotics and prebiotics are essential to our overall health. I’m learning this after I got my gut problem.

  4. Is there a way to send private messages on here? Anyway, asking for permission to repost this post on my blog. I also request that you write a guest post on my blog about empowerment through food or diet.

  5. You only ate at restaurants three times last year?? That’s like weekly for me! Mine is such a bad habit – I need to be more like you, haha. Yes, I also check the packaging, but I need to be more careful for sure. These companies and their dodgy ingredients.

  6. This is a great post to remind about healthy food. We watched the documentary quite some time back. Will watch it again.

    Thanks for visiting our blog. We are looking forward to reading your upcoming posts.

  7. I also try to eat healthier, and the thing I’ve found is that if you eat well, junk food just isn’t satisfying.

  8. Hi Ula – very nice post, liked your quote: if you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live. It’s funny isn’t it how we perceive ourselves as a duality of body and soul, whereas it’s really not easy to say where one stops and the other begins. Everything is so interlinked – think neurotransmitters and depression, or to your point, simply how you look after yourself and how yo feel. Anyhow, thanks for following my blog, appreciate it.
    Regarding food and what you put in your mouth, I watched a documentary on the Victorians recently, and it reminded me again that back in the day almost an entire income could be spend on feeding a family, very simply, nowadays food is less than about 20% of our expenditure in most cases but many still feel that it’s too expensive and opt for the cheapest product, not out of necessity but out of frugality, without linking the fact that cheap, especially processed food, is not a good option. Lentils, legumes, pulses, however, are also not expensive, but oh so good for you.
    Am I rambling :)? anyhow happy Wednesday. Poli

  9. I am very much a label reader. We are pretty much raw vegetarians here so we don’t buy a lot of pre-packaged anything. If Mosanto had anything to do with the products creation we don’t buy it period, so that takes a lot of garbage off the shopping list. Not eating meat does too. 🙂

  10. This is such an important topic! We pay close attention and dedicate our blog to writing recipes that use real, whole food ingredients! Thanks for stopping by our blog. So happy to discover yours too!

  11. “The easiest thing is to see if the names of the ingredients you can pronounce. If not, then I’m 99,9% sure that is bad stuff and also, the word “modified” is the worst.” This got me cracking my ribs… Nice read! we must pay more attention to what we eat! 😀

  12. Beautiful!! Love the picture of the sunflower of your blog! I watched that movie “Foods Inc.” and that’s what made me go vegetarian. Not sure why I didn’t go vegan right away, but then 2 years later, I did. Wish I would have gone vegan years ago, but sure am happy that I am now!! Thanks for your post!! and Thanks for following me! Have an awesome Saturday!

  13. Hmm really makes you think huh? Today’s life is so busy we are always out for convenience most the time, at least I know I am! This year I have promised myself to eat healthier food options as I found myself eating every and anything over the past few years. Now when shopping asides from looking over the nutritional values I will also examine the ingredients for odd words and the word modified, thanks for sharing.

    Also go for the cook book if you guys love cooking 😃That’s great!!

  14. Love this! Can’t believe you only ate three time out last year!! That’s so impressive, and it only is it healthy it’s nice to your wallet to 🙂 also thanks for the follow, I love your blog!

  15. Today I went on my blog and i was so happy to discover that you had visited it! thank you for this video: I watched a few documentaries on food but I don’t know this one yet…I’ll watch it the first occasion I have 😀

  16. So often do I find low calorie alternatives that are full of additives and corn syrup and absolutely stripped of nutrients. I’ve learned to always read the label and it has been an eye opener.

  17. I have been reading ingredients since I was diagnosed with breast cancer 21 years ago. Now more so because my Daddy had a stroke (watch sodium) and I cut carbs (turn into sugar for me). I am very fortunate that where I live – Boise, Idaho – features restaurants, food trucks and the like – that focus on organic and sustainable food sources.

  18. True, “less is always better” starting with our food. Lovely blog you have here. Thank you for stopping by mine…xx

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