Why Being A Lifelong Learner Can Be A Lifelong Adventure

It doesn’t matter whether you are 4, 24 or 54, the concept of learning should be as exciting and as thrilling as ever. While as a 14 year old, you may have stared out of the window daydreaming about your favorite boyband or your upcoming trip to the cinema with pals at the weekend while your teacher was trying to teach you the joys of trigonometry, now that you are a little bit older the thought of learning new things holds your interest for a lit longer. You love the idea of learning something new every day to keep your brain in gear and to help you understand the wonder of the world.

Learning doesn’t have to be sitting in class, reading loads or attending university. Learning comes in all different shapes and sizes. Venturing onto the Internet, stumbling across a blog and reading about lifelong learning is, in itself, learning!

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By exposing yourself to different cultures, people and places, you are inevitably soaking up new ideas, thoughts and perspectives. By being empathetic to different customs, you are learning about yourself and how you can cope overseas in different environments. You may have the chance to learn a new language, converse with new people and make lifelong friends. Ever fancied scaling the dizzying heights of Kilimanjaro or trekking through the rainforests of Brazil as you follow the Amazon river? Travelling can result in a wonderful learning adventure.

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Being able to satisfy a wanderlust craving is a life-affirming experience and one that is valued by employers when they see it on a resume. You haven’t just gained worthwhile knowledge, but you will have matured as a person, developing confidence, problem-solving and organisational skills.

Professional Development

Just because you have not attended university for a few years doesn’t mean you have to leave the world of academia behind altogether. Many people decide to study while working at the same time. Flexible courses like a masters in operations management are designed to fit in around your schedule. It’s flexible, can be done at your own pace and is wholly online. These postgraduate qualifications will enhance your resume, boost your earning potential and could see you achieve a promotion.

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New Skills

Learning new skills doesn’t have to occur in an education setting. Simply by following a new passion, you can develop your knowledge and understanding about a topic. If you’ve always fancied learning how to bake sweet treats, why not enroll yourself on a cake making course. This fun environment will give you practical hands on experience learning a craft and useful skills while meeting like-minded people along the way. Any new hobby will involve an element of learning that you can then pass on to others.

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Learning becomes more fun as you get older because you have more choice in what you learn and how you learn it. Although you might not understand the joy of learning as a youngster you now have a newfound appreciation for the learning adventure.

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116 thoughts

  1. Yes! Absolutely true. I feel like my life is just beginning at 32. Now that I have the freedom to learn what interests me. This is one of many reasons I homeschool my children. 😊 great post! I’ll be sharing it ❤

  2. We’re always wiser each day. We learn new things even from mistakes made. For as long as we live, we will always learn something. There’s a Chinese saying–if you want to know more about life, talk to 3 old people.

  3. It’s so refreshing to hear about your commitment to learning. I do enjoy it more as an adult especially as I can pick what I want to learn and I tend to select topics that I will actually put into use.

  4. Great post.
    Learning is a continuous process in our life.
    I don’t think we can ever stop learning.
    Knowingly or unknowingly we all will be learning something everyday.
    PS Please do checkout my blogs

  5. never stop learning. never rest on what is familiar and safe. and “see” with your own eyes places that you can go. “hear” from your own explorations. The world is a wonderful classroom.

  6. We were literally just talking about this and how this is a crucial skill in the new future of work. Check out my company’s thoughts and opinions on social media or LinkedIn. #Mercerproud

    1. I totally agree.
      At work, there was once this senior who refused to attend workshops and seminars saying that he knew all that there was to learn in our field. I always thought he was mentally and spirituality dead because he didn’t want to learn any more.

  7. Great post & agree wholeheartedly. I believe learning something new every day is something we do without even realising it, but to purposely go out to better yourself or learn something totally new to you can direct you to new & exciting paths

  8. I couldn’t agree more, Ula, learning is fun and an adventure. I am 63 years old and are still enjoying to learn.
    The difference to our younger years is, that we now can choose what we want to learn. 😉

  9. Very true! I’ve studied part time, while working. I’ve also moved from company to company. Finally working from home via the internet, & blogging as a hobby. I’d love to study even further, part time!

  10. I loved your line: “Learning becomes more fun as you get older because you have more choice in what you learn and how you learn it.” This is absolutely true! I did not like school, even though I always made good grades. As an adult, I have enjoyed becoming a lifelong learner. There’s something to learn every day.

  11. Age is just a number. Wisdom and knowledge can be acquired at any age. We just need to be open to receiving it. Great post. Thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend.😁

  12. I agree that in now day world people start judging us by our grades, not through our original knowledge, that the problem in countries like India, BTW nice post

  13. Continuous learning is so so so important! It is our job to keep learning and growing and I love how you have highlighted that!

  14. So true…if is a continuum of learning new elements to the already known…I love that now that I’m not in school any more I can find and explore new things that interest me and grow as an individual.

  15. Dear Ula,
    You always have great posts. Being a teacher and a life long learner thus really caught my attention. I sent this to our English Department and am going to encourage them to use it in some form. Yes, even at 51 I am getting a whole new opportunity to learn new technology for staring a production company.
    Fun stuff. Have a great week,

  16. Wow this is a pretty interesting blog you’ve got going here. This is one of those classic blogs with assorted interesting topics. Keep it up!!

  17. Good blog and so true! I especially like these sentences: “Learning doesn’t have to be sitting in class, reading loads or attending university. Learning comes in all different shapes and sizes. Venturing onto the Internet, stumbling across a blog and reading about lifelong learning is, in itself, learning!” And the subject: “New skills”. 🙂 I learn from life and from nature every day. I learn from my experiences. It is not for nothing that there is a quote that says “Experience is the best teacher” 🙂
    Best regards, Heidi

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