30 Thoughts On Turning 30

When I was a little girl and met someone who was over 20 years old, I was thinking: “wow, they are so cool and important”. I always wanted to be an adult. Everyone was telling me that once I am, I would want to go back to my childhood.

Here I am, I’m 30 years old and I couldn’t be happier. The only thing is that my picture of being an adult from my early age got very different. I still feel like I’m 20 something. Maybe it is true when people say that 30 is the new 20 :).

Nevertheless, I would like to share with you my 30 thoughts on turning 30:

1. In your 20s, you can learn lots of lessons about life. Stepping into next decade, I’m much stronger. I always say: what doesn’t kill you, makes you only stronger.

2. Small and down to earth things make me very happy. For instance, new sheets on the bed or towels in the bathroom give me so much joy. Might sound funny, but true.

3. With the age, women start losing muscle, so regular workouts are a must. No more skipping exercising, because muscle loss slows the metabolism.

4 . No more parties. I enjoy way more staying at home, reading a book or watching a movie with my hubby. (No matter how lame this sounds.)

5. Saying “no” comes so much easier. Your life is not about pleasing everyone around you, but making sure that you’re staying true to yourself.

6. Skin care is more important. I’m getting older, not younger so keeping my skin moisture and well taken care of is a must.

7. What you eat is what you are. Especially in my age, I need to watch what I put in my mouth. Even though I don’t have a sweet tooth, I won’t say “yes” just to be nice. Sorry.

8. Even though I’m 30, I still want to have this kid in me and don’t ever lose it :).

9. I’m one of “older bloggers” that being said, (I hope) I have more knowledge to share with you.

10. I won’t be a “young” mom, but that’s ok, because my mom was 40 when she gave birth to me :).

11. I was always a self-distanced person, but now I’m even more. It’s good not to be too serious about yourself.

12. I’m less stressed about the small things, because they don’t matter in the long run.

13. When it comes to my wardrobe, I’m more about statement pieces than trendy items. “Fashion is a trend. Style is within a person.”

14. Health is one of the most important things in your life so I’m very grateful I’m healthy and I want to take even better care of it now.

15. Communication is super important. Be clear with what you want to say and don’t color the words in your message. The simpler, the better.

16. I want to catch and live in every moment of my life, because these 30 years of it passed by very quickly. The older you get, the quicker it passes.

17. Home is the place my husband and I spend most of our time. I want to make sure that it’s always clean and organized very thoughtfully.

18. It doesn’t matter how people see you, but how you feel inside.

19. I feel like I have everything and now my dreams are much smaller. I’ve been to so many countries and have so many experiences that now I’m more about being healthy and happy. Simple as that, but I still dream big.

20. Surround yourself with people who are genuinely happy for you.

21. Let go of the past and negative people, you’re not going back there. Just move forward, always forward.

22. The group of people I am close with got so much smaller and I think that’s completely okay.

23. Even though I’m 30, people still ask me for ID. I guess I still look young.



24. Lately, I’ve been trying to drink 4 liters of water and I have to tell you, it’s the game changer. I feel more energized, have very rarely headaches, no constipation and my skin looks so much better. So remember: drink water as much as you can :).

25. I got married before 30 – it was something I was hoping for in my 20s. I’m also more in love with my husband than I ever was before. What’s the best is that love grows so always remember to water it well :).

26. Cooking is now something I enjoy much more than I used to. I love creating something and then seeing my hubby enjoying it. My heart is just always so happy to see it. I prefer much more staying at home and cooking together than going to the restaurant.

27. I trust my intuition much more now, because it’s been trained very well for these 30 years. My gut tells me the truth.

28. Do more of what you like and don’t waste your time on things that don’t make you happy. Time is precious, spend it wisely.

29. I’ve learnt that the process is what matters. The end goal is, of course, rewarding, but life happens in small moments. You gotta love the process.

30. I might be 30, but I still (always) believe that the best is yet to come.


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127 thoughts

  1. Good for you 🙂 I am in my mid 30s (with six kids) and I only recently stopped feeling like I was still 19 years old, lol. You are as young as you feel! Here’s to hoping your next chapter of life is as fantastic, if not better, than the last!

    1. Awww thank you so much girl!!! 🙂🌺 That sounds great what you’ve accomplished! 🙂👍

  2. So inspirational 🙂 Water is really so important, because it nourishes skin which is the largest organ of the body. I also prefer to stay home much more than in the past.. You look gorgeous! Happy birthday sister x

  3. A lovely picture and thoughts…. thanks for sharing… 🙂

    “Remember, growing older is mandatory, growing up is optional”

    1. A recent study concluded that the happiest decade of life is the 60’s – and the second happiest is the 70’s! So, we have a lot to look forward to, especially if we’re making good choices. 😉

  4. This is why I love following your blog! I just turned 25 and I am constantly trying to improve my life for the better. I truly believe taking little steps will allow me to reach the confidence you clearly have. Thank you for being an inspirational blogger and overall person, and have the happiest of birthdays ✨

    Diana | http://www.thegoldenlining.com

  5. So funny because I HATED turning 30, I was living abroad, no boyfriend, crappy dead end job, then a couple of years later everything turned around, and I LOVED my 40th Birthday! Happy Birthday lovely girl, enjoy it all xx

  6. Such great points! I turned 23 a couple months ago and always think about the future. I will keep your 30 thoughts in my mind to look back at! Happy birthday! 🙂

  7. I can tell you from experience that at the 30 the best is still to come, if one makes at least half-way reasonable decisions and starts paying attention to their health. Otherwise, one may have already experienced their best. For you, there is still more good to experience. I enjoyed my 60s for more than my 50s and the 70s seem to be more exciting than the 60s, a few years into the 70s

  8. This is such a good list! I love the idea of making a list of things I’m looking forward to / know now that I’m X years old… It’s so fun!

  9. Great post! I’m in my 30s and loving every minute of it. I’m learning more now then I have in my 20s. God is the driver and I’m following the path he lights for me. Focusing on fulfilling my calling/purpose in life. I totally agree the Best is yet to Come!
    I love reading your blogs, they are inspiring and genuine. Have fun and welcome to the 30s group. 😆

  10. Yep turning 30 is excellent! Been there, done that and bought the tshirt! If you feel this happy about 30, then 40 will suit you to the ground. The simple things being you so much joy still. I’m grateful for all I have and each day I get to live. And saying no is ten years easier than at 30 !
    Mel x

  11. Superb writeup Ula and congratulations!
    I liked the points where saying No and not needing to please others are mentioned, besides the health-related ones. Very important as we grow! Bless you.

  12. Hi, Ula, I can recognize myself in most of your points, although I am twice your age. So you are right, it is always getting better. 🙂 You are blessed with a positive attitude and a wonderful husband, what can go wrong?

    63 years old, that makes me an old blogger, wait, one does not say that anymore, elderly? No, no, not fashionable, mature, yes, that is the word, I am of a mature age, I like that … 😉

  13. Happy birthday!

    I’m still in my 20s, but I feel old as dirt. I don’t like parties, drinking, social media, or staying up too late. Nor does my husband. Ironically, our 60 year old mothers spend more time at parties and on Facebook than we do. I really feel that your lessons about staying at home and taking care of yourself could benefit people of all ages!

    1. Thank you so much girl! And that’s totally cool that you’d rather stay at home 🙂👍🌼

  14. Your blog seems awesome! I’m 29. I shall write a similar post next year! Then I will tell you if I agree with you or not. As for now, congratulations on turning 30.

  15. Well said… age doesn’t actually matter, for me it’s just a number… what’s important is what you feel inside😉

  16. Yes. At 30 the best is yet to come. Unfortunately, there may be a few bad times, too. It’s life. From what I’ve observed, I’d say the best years in most women’s lives are between 45 and 55, if she keeps fit and active, both mind and body. From your article, I’d say you have nothing to worry about.

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