When Doubts Start Kicking In

Whether it’s your career, relationship or a place you live in, self-doubt always comes your way. It is normal to question your own abilities. Especially when you’re trying to achieve something you’ve never done before.

You’re not alone, everyone deals with it.

Remember Why You Started

When it comes to your career choices, there’s always a reason (or more) behind your decision. You keep on forgetting sometimes when it’s getting harder or your motivation is not where it used to be. It’s the time when you need to stop for the moment and remind yourself why you are where you are.

Celebrate Small Wins

In order to stay on track, it is good to celebrate small things that take place in your life.

What happened to me recently is an email with this:

When I’ve received this, I was speechless and I couldn’t wait for V to come home from work. When he did, we did a happy dance together :).

No matter big or small, take time and celebrate your successes, whether it is a compliment about your great job or a little reward for your achievements.

Believe In Yourself

I’ve already written a post about self-confidence, where you can find some very useful tips. Everyone needs a fresh injection of motivation and a confidence booster. You need to be your own biggest cheerleader.

You lose when you start spending time comparing yourself to other people. Even more, when you start complaining, the thing is: no one cares. It’s high time to stop looking around and start working.

No one has it all figured out and you don’t need all the answers to succeed. As far as I am concerned, you just need to push forward, keep moving forward and believe that everything else will fall into place.

Everything will be ok and even better! 🙂

Lately, V gave me this necklace from Sincerely Silver with the coordinates where we met each other for the first time. It is so meaningful and such a sweet little gift that you can also get for your significant other or your mom for the upcoming Mother’s Day :).

Shop the look:

Thank you for supporting my business when you click and decide to purchase

Find me on social media, because it’ll be great to have you there and follow me  🙂 :






46 thoughts

  1. Great post! It’s important to check in with yourself and celebrate those small wins. I couldn’t agree more!

  2. I love that necklace idea, how thoughtful and special! Do you have a particular mantra or affirmation that helps keep you in this mind set?

    1. What I wrote at the end: just keep moving forward and believe that the best is yet to come 😊🌹

  3. Self doubt can do so much harm. You offered some great insights. Self doubt stopped me from trying to start writing again for many years! Overcoming is so important. Even if it is baby steps.

  4. Great post, and I definitely agree. We are an aspirational species, which means our dreams inspire progress and achievement, but they also make us impatient. It’s disappointing when things don’t work out, of course, but it also contains hints on making positive changes. Now that I know what doesn’t work…

    Oh congratulations on the Westin thing. I stayed at a Westin a couple years ago. It was well before I knew of your blog, but perhaps I merely anticipated your “influence.” Ha!

  5. Ula, you have done it again. You have a great approach to that which can be a problem. The World needs more positive people like you. And your Youth the will be there for ever is so contagious. Loved you post.

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