Welcome Baby Lily Christina!

She’s here!!! 😀

V & I are so happy to announce that our baby girl, Lily Christina joined us on Thursday, January 23rd, 2020. We are beyond excited and we are soaking it all up, especially the newborn snuggles! 🙂

We never knew how incomplete our lives really were until she blessed ours with hers! 🙂

Behind the Name

Some of your probably remember my wedding bouquet, which I made myself :). If not, you can check it here. I used lilies to make it and yes, even back then we already knew how we are going to name our daughter (we have had a boy name too). Christina, on the other hand, is my mom’s name.

Lily Christina, we translate as “flower that follows Christ” :).

A Little Break

For the next few weeks I’ll be taking some time off to recover and adjust to my new role, being a mom. I do have some content that I have created ahead of time so there might be some new posts on here. However, I will be more active on my Instagram.

Thank you so much for all of your warm and sweet messages and comments! I am very grateful! 🙂

Find me on social media, because it’ll be great to have you there and follow me  🙂 :






212 thoughts

  1. I’ve only just caught up with this post – so want to say a belated congratulations – she is beautiful! I look forward to reading further posts and seeing more pictures – for now – be blessed – Lois

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